Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Jamaica Stone Fence


This is a twist on the popular Fall cocktail, the Stone Fence, which is usually made with applejack or whiskey. The rum idea is perfectly acceptable and fits the colonial style of this drink. You want sweet flavors to go with your cider, a reminder of the Autumn season. So a dark rum with molassas flavor like those of Jamaica blend well with cider. I have a close substitute with Guyana rum, my trusty bottle of Pussers. 

Fall spices like nutmeg and cinnamon are appropriate as well. I decided that this is one of those few times where cinnamon whiskey shines. (All the other times where people take shots of it are not, in my opinion.) MurLarkey makes their cinnamon whiskey with two ingredients, white whiskey and cinnamon sticks. Just a little goes a long way here. And because the recipe doesn't suggest grating the cinnamon stick, using it simply as a garnish, I'm adding booze and cinnamon with MurLarkey. 

  • 2 oz. dark Jamaica rum (Pusser's used)
  • 6 oz. chilled apple cider
  • 1/2 oz. MurLarkey cinnamon whiskey (optional)
  • cinnamon stick
  • grated nutmeg

Stir rum, (optional cinnamon whiskey) and cider in a mixing glass with ice. Pour into a chilled double Old Fashioned glass. Garnish with cinnamon stick and sprinkle nutmeg on top of the ice. 

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